The Azienda Agraria Del Quondam farm, located in the heart of Umbria, at the feet of the Martani Mountains, is rooted in a past that has now become a distant past. In the distant 1827 the protagonist of this place was an antique farmhouse, belonging to the Brigini and Cervigni families.
The farmers that worked in this area were our great-grandfathers, who lived their years characterised by hard work and many sacrifices. It was however our grandparents that redeemed the estate, becoming owners of the home and the farm that was approximately 16 hectares at that time.
1876 is assumed to be the year that the home was restructured for the first time, this is witnessed by an antique roof tile found a few years ago, after some maintenance work, with the following engraving: On the day 22 August 1876 and an illegible signature. Our great-grandfathers continued to work the fields and this love of theirs for the land was passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, up until the present day.
Vittorio Del Quondam, now owner of the farm, has worked the fields since he was a child: at the age of 7 he was already driving the tractor! Our company today owns approximately 40 hectares of property and rents approximately 25 hectares. The fields are used to grow wheat, barley, fava beans, lentils, sun flowers, chickpeas, spelt, corn, hay … and many of these cereals and legumes are then used as feed for our animals.
Agritourism is a sector that developed approximately 10 years ago. Initially our tourist offering was limited to only renting out a completely renovated flat, located in front of our farmhouse. Throughout the years, as a result of a constant increase in tourism demand, we have expanded and renovated a second flat and a double bedroom. Certainly our family was more established and prepared in the field of agriculture compared to the tourist one. As a matter of fact, initially it was the guests that taught us, with their concrete behaviours and with their service requests, what they expected from us and what services were necessary to establish a significant relationship for both parties.
Starting from the beginning, our hospitality had a traditional and genuine character to it; a hospitality that encompasses all of the elements from the country and farming culture. The winning card has been precisely satisfying that demand for tradition, simplicity and a familiar environment. For this reason we have developed an awareness that success in this environment is based on a continual variation of activities, as we have always done in the name of tradition, however, with the addition of professionalism for this type of work.